Vander Reich
Vander Reich, age 10, often tagged along with his dad, Jack, to NDSA functions. He was an extremely active young man, who would throw himself completely into any interest that captured his imagination.
Hunting was especially important to Vander. He would often walk into a sporting goods store and ask to see specific firearms by model number and with specific options.This occasionally left the salespeople momentarily bewildered, but they would soon find themselves in a detailed conversation with young Vander about the options available on the guns he found interesting.
The same situation also played out in implement dealerships, saddle shops and at NDSA functions, where Vander likely holds the record for selling the most North Dakota Stockmen’s Foundation raffle tickets. In addition to hunting, fishing and ranching, Vander was active in the Mighty Thunder Wrestling Club, Mercer County 4-H, youth rodeo as a steer rider, the Zap Gun Club and a trap shooting team.