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Posted 10/22/2024

For immediate release: Oct. 22, 2024
For more information, contact:
Randy Schmitt, NDSA president: (701) 537-3440 •
Jason Leiseth, NDSF president: (701) 770-1129 •
ExxonMobil Media Line: (737) 272-1452 •
Julie Ellingson, NDSA executive vice president: (701) 223-2522 •
Elizabeth Hasenwinkel, NDSA communications director: (701) 833-1162 •
ExxonMobil contributes $100,000 to
Stockmen’s wildfire relief fund
ExxonMobil presented the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) and North Dakota Stockmen’s Foundation (NDSF) with a $100,000 contribution toward the Out of the Ashes Wildfire Disaster Relief Program. The non-profit cattle producers’ organizations launched the relief effort earlier this month, following catastrophic wildfires in northwestern North Dakota and other places in the state.
An estimated 100,000 acres burned in the October fires that, in some cases, lasted almost two weeks. Livestock industry losses included pasture, hay, stored feed, fences, buildings, farmsteads and livestock. Sadly, the fires also claimed two human lives. More livestock losses are expected to mount over time as pneumonia and other disease set in from smoke inhalation and burns.
“Our thoughts are with everyone affected by these devastating wildfires,” said Kevin Gant, ExxonMobil Bakken operations manager. “We hope this contribution will provide support to our neighbors during this challenging time. We are proud to be part of the local community, and we’re committed to continuing to be a responsible operator and partner in the communities where we operate.”
ExxonMobil, one of the largest publicly traded international energy and petrochemical companies, creates solutions to improve the quality of life and meet society’s evolving needs. Operating in the Bakken, the corporation’s primary businesses – Upstream, Product Solutions and Low Carbon Solutions – provide products that enable modern life, including energy, chemicals, lubricants and lower emissions technologies.
“The outpouring of support for those who have been impacted by the wildfires has been amazing,” said NDSA President Randy Schmitt, a Rugby, N.D., cow-calf producer. “We appreciate ExxonMobil’s generosity and that of all those who have reached out to help in a time of great need.”
“Many suffered devastating losses in the wildfires,” added NDSF President Jason Leiseth, an Arnegard, N.D., cow-calf producer whose own ranch was in the line of fire, but narrowly missed. “With the help of partners like ExxonMobil, we hope to help rekindle hope for those who were impacted.”
The NDSA and NDSF kickstarted the Out of the Ashes Wildfire Disaster Relief Program with $50,000 of their own funds. Since then, the disaster fund has already grown by nearly $250,000 and has approximately 80 unique donors.
For those wishing to help, monetary contributions to the Out of the Ashes Wildfire Disaster Relief Program can be made in two ways: 1) Checks can be made to the NDSF with “Out of the Ashes” written in the memo and sent to 4520 Ottawa St., Bismarck, ND 58503; or 2) Credit card gifts can be made online by clicking here. The gifts will be pooled and distributed in their entirety to North Dakota cattle ranchers this winter through an application and nomination process. A committee comprised of fellow ranchers will review the applications and distribute the funds to those most in need.
Application and nomination forms for the disaster relief program will be available at the end of the month at
The NDSF is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, so gifts can be deducted as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. For more information about the Out of the Ashes Wildfire Disaster Relief Program or other ways to help, call (701) 223-2522 or visit
The NDSA is a 95-year-old beef cattle producers’ trade organization that works to unite, protect, promote, educate and serve the state’s beef industry. The NDSF is a charitable organization that supports the beef industry with scholarship, leadership, promotion, research and building projects and disaster relief. Together, the organizations have distributed more than three-quarters of a million dollars in direct aid to cattle producers recovering from catastrophic floods, blizzards and wildfires since 2009.