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Posted 11/24/2020

For immediate release:
Nov. 24, 2020
For more information, contact:
Jeff Schafer, NDSA president: (701) 653-5690 •
Steph Hille, NDSA brand recorder: (701) 223-2522 •
Elizabeth Neshem, NDSA communications director: (701) 223-2522 •
Holiday provides opportunity for brand renewal signatures
As families gather for the Thanksgiving holiday this week, they may want to bring their brand renewal forms along to the celebration. The holiday could be the perfect chance to acquire the necessary signatures to renew their brand if there are multiple brandowners on it, said Steph Hille, North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) brand recorder.
North Dakota law requires brands to be renewed every five years, which means brands will expire Jan. 1, 2021, if they are not renewed before then. The NDSA sent brandowners the initial brand renewal notices in August and the final notices last week. Currently, there are more than 24,000 brands registered in North Dakota. About 13,000 of those brands have been renewed so far this year.
“If a brandowner has moved or if his or her address has changed within the last five years, chances are the address on file at the NDSA is no longer valid,” Hille said. If you are a current brandowner but have not received the notice, contact Hille at (701) 223-2522 or
Hille encourages brandowners to renew their brand by the Dec. 31, 2020, deadline to avoid marketing disruptions. “Additionally, it’s the only way you can ensure your brand is listed in the 2021 North Dakota Brand Book.”
The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association is a 91-year-old beef cattle trade organization. Its mission is to unite, protect, promote, educate and serve the state’s beef industry. The organization also administers the brand recording program on behalf of the state. For more information, visit