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Posted 12/21/2020

North Dakota Stockmen’s Association Member Update:
Dec. 21, 2020, no. 2
Special Report
Additional support expected in COVID package/Continuing Resolution
The U.S. House and Senate are expected to pass a $900 billion COVID-relief package and the $1.4 trillion FY21 omnibus bill by midnight tonight. The legislation they are considering includes livestock-related provisions. Here are a few highlight ones:
More CFAP 1.0 support
If passed, cattle producers will receive $1.4 billion in additional assistance primarily designed to help those who sold into a depressed market after April 15 (since those producers missed out on more robust support from CFAP 1.0). The payment will be for cattle inventory from CFAP 1.0 (i.e. April 16 to May 14), making it easier for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to get assistance out the door while not requiring a new sign-up process. Unlike CFAP 2.0, this will also cover breeding stock. The table below provides an estimate of the payment rates by cattle class under the new COVID package, along with the overall estimated payments:
Class | Payment Rate | Estimated Payments |
Slaughter cattle/fed cattle | $63 | $281.7 million |
Slaughter cattle/mature cattle | $14.75 | $17.7 million |
Feeder cattle less than 600 pounds | $7 | $152.7 million |
Feeder cattle 600 pounds or more | $25.50 | $399.4 million |
All other cattle | $17.25 | $553.1 million |
Total | 1.4 billion |
Small meat and poultry processors
Small meat and poultry processors are also expected to receive aid. The package includes funding for grants for small processors for facility upgrades and planning in order to become certified for federal inspection or relevant state inspection, allowing them to process meat and poultry intended for interstate commerce.
Livestock Mandatory Reporting deadline
The reauthorization deadline for Livestock Mandatory Reporting is proposed to be extended until Sept. 30, 2021. The previous extension expired Dec. 11.