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Posted 01/15/2020

For immediate release: Jan. 15, 2020
For more information, contact:
Dan Rorvig, NDSA president: (701) 797-7338 •
Julie Ellingson, NDSA executive vice president: (701) 223-2522 •
Emily Bendish, NDSA communications director: (701) 223-2522 •
North Dakota Stockmen’s Association welcomes provisions
in Phase-One China trade deal
North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) President Dan Rorvig, a McVille, N.D., cow-calf producer, issued the following statement after President Donald Trump and Chinese trade officials signed a Phase-One trade agreement this morning:
“Today is an important day for the U.S. beef industry. North Dakota ranchers welcome important provisions included in the Phase-One Chinese trade agreement that support our nation’s cattle industry and remove onerous, non-science-based trade barriers that have limited our business opportunities with the largest country in the world.
“The agreement opens the door to new opportunities in a market that’s home to 1.4 billion people – one-fifth of the world’s population – and with a growing middle class and demand for high-quality beef like we raise here on ranches across North Dakota.
“The Chinese market reopened to U.S. beef in 2017, after being banned for more than a decade, yet unfounded trade sanctions have stood in the way of realizing our potential there. Today’s agreement is an important step in the right direction for science-based trade and will help our cattle industry unlock our potential, as we have only begun to scratch the surface there.”
The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association is a 90-year-old beef cattle trade organization representing approximately 3,000 cattle-ranching families. Its mission is to unite, protect, promote, educate and serve the state’s beef industry. For more information, visit