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Posted 09/16/2020

North Dakota Stockmen’s Association Member Update: Sept. 16, 2020
The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) is proud to be the voice of the state’s beef cattle producers. Here are a few things you should know:
NDSA gathers more information about Department of Trust Lands online auction process
The NDSA met with Department of Trust Lands (DTL) and Governor's Office officials last week to relay the questions and concerns members have posed about the upcoming online fall surface lease auctions. Following an executive order issued by Gov. Doug Burgum in April, the fall auctions will be conducted via an online auction platform called EnergyNet instead of the usual face-to-face auctions in the respective county seats.
While the DTL did not agree to revert to the traditional format for the fall surface lease auctions, the DTL did agree to add checks back as an accepted form of payment. ACH or wire transfers are other payment options. As usual, checks must be postmarked within 10 days of the close of the tract.
The executive order stays in effect “for the duration of the declared state of emergency,” but no specific expiration date is listed. North Dakota Century Code specifies that the lease of university and school lands “must be at public auction … and held at the county seat.” Therefore, a permanent change to the lease auction format would require legislative action.
Bidder identity will be anonymized in the online platform and an individual will be displayed only as “Bidder 19,” for example. North Dakota Century Code 44-04-18.4(6)(a) states, “Bids received by a public entity in response to an invitation for bids by the public entity are exempt until all of the bids have been received and opened by the public entity.” In other words, while the identity of a bidding party is considered an exempt record in this case and will not be provided during a live auction, a list of bidders for a subject tract of land can be made available upon request once the auction has concluded, the DTL explained.
Bidders will be aware of their respective bidder numbers and may elect to share their numbers with others outside the EnergyNet website if they choose. This may be a strategy for those who are bound to non-competitive-bid provisions within a grazing association, for example.
With many having questions about the process, the NDSA recommended the DTL provide a refined Q&A resource with visual prompts, which can be found here, and step-by-step instructions, which can be found here, to assist those who are interested in participating in the auctions.
The opening and closing of tracts will be staggered and conducted alphabetically by county. Bidding will start Sept. 28, but be open for seven days, with the auctions for the first of the tracts (A = Adams County) closing Oct. 6 and the last Oct. 9. A listing of the tracts available and the dates and times of their respective auction openings can be found here.
Interested parties should be aware that they will be required to register to bid at Registrations are being accepted now.
For questions about the bidding process, call EnergyNet at (806) 463-3621 or (877) 351-4488 or visit For questions about specific tracts, contact the DTL at (701) 328-2800 or
Interim Natural Resources Committee to consider bill drafts
The Legislative Interim Natural Resources Committee has scheduled a meeting for Sept. 25. The agenda includes a review of bill drafts regarding access to public and private lands. Due to public health considerations, a meeting room will not be available to the public, but the meeting can be viewed via livestream. The meeting agenda can be viewed here.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration extends HOS declaration
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has extended its Emergency Declaration on hours of service that includes livestock and feed through Dec. 31. FMCSA has indicated that the relief is only available to transporters of finished feed. Transporters of feed ingredients are ineligible for the relief.
Less than $10 billion paid in CFAP so far
Last Friday was the sign-up deadline for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). As of Sept. 8, the U.S. Department of Agriculture paid out less than $10 billion to farmers and ranchers across the country. The total is an increase of more than $300 million from the previous week, but still below the $16 billion allocated for the program. The majority of the CFAP payments continue to go to the livestock, non-specialty crop and dairy categories. North Dakota producers had received more than $274 million in payments as of Sept. 8.
NDSA, North Dakota Beef Commission salute healthcare heroes in appreciation event
The NDSA and the North Dakota Beef Commission (NDBC) recognized the medical community at the first-ever North Dakota Beef Industry Healthcare Heroes Appreciation Day last Friday. The beef producer organizations saluted doctors, nurses and others in the healthcare industry with a complimentary beef lunch at the Bismarck Event Center’s Parking Lot C. The organizations’ ranching volunteers, together with North Dakota State University’s Carnivore Catering, served more than 1,100 meals to healthcare professionals.
“North Dakota cattle ranchers relished this chance to say ‘thank you’ to those on the frontlines of the COVID pandemic and every day,” said NDSA President Dan Rorvig, a McVille, N.D., cow-calf producer. “We are grateful for all their extra efforts and regard them as our partners in keeping our community healthy. They provide critical medical care and we supply beef, a wholesome, nutritious food source for families.”
The event also created an opportunity to connect with these key influencers and present beef’s strong nutritional story. The NDSA and NDBC promoted beef as the source of 10 essential nutrients and key in supporting an active and healthy lifestyle through event correspondence, signage, food containers, promotional materials and media coverage.
Cattle may be secret weapon in fight against wildfires, experts say
According to the Sacramento Bee, evidence shows that wildfires have become more widespread and severe over the years, with the ongoing West Coast blazes bearing testament to the worrying trend. Firefighters and farmers have tricks of their own to prevent fires from sparking and to contain them enough for successful defeat. But there might be a secret weapon that hasn’t been getting the attention it deserves: cattle. Click here to read the full article acknowledging the importance of cattle grazing in the fight against wildfires.
Palmer amaranth found
Bad news: Palmer amaranth has been confirmed in Barnes and Cass Counties. A crop specialist noticed some suspect plants in a Barnes County field and notified the landowner. The landowner worked with a North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension specialist, who submitted samples for DNA analysis to the National Agricultural Genotyping Center, where it was confirmed as Palmer amaranth. In the Cass County case, a NDSU Extension specialist found it within the city of Fargo, and it was confirmed in the same way. These are the third and fourth findings this year, with the other findings being in Benson and Stutsman Counties. Palmer amaranth has now been found in 12 North Dakota counties. Those sites continue to be monitored. More information on Palmer amaranth and other noxious and invasive weeds is available here.
Pre-register for NDSA convention by Sept. 24 to save
The NDSA will be hosting its 91st Annual Convention & Trade Show, “Roaring into the ‘20’s,” Oct. 8-10 at the Ramkota in Bismarck. A detailed convention preview is included in this month’s North Dakota Stockman magazine. A pre-registration form is also inserted in that issue or can be found online here. Pre-register by Sept. 24 to save on registration fees and meals. The room block at the Ramkota also closes Sept. 24. To make hotel reservations, call (701) 258-7700. Mention the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association Convention to take advantage of the discounted room price of $109 plus tax.
NDSA to host Tomorrow’s Top Hands Beef Leadership Summit
Students ages 14 to 20 years old who are interested in the beef industry are invited to take part in the 2020 Tomorrow’s Top Hands Beef Leadership Summit, which is scheduled for Oct. 22-24 at the Sleep Inn & Suites in Minot. The Tomorrow’s Top Hands Beef Leadership Summit is a high-energy leadership development and career exploration event with national-level speakers, industry tours and training for the industry’s next-generation leaders. Full details and registration forms can be found here.
Legislative session format being contemplated
North Dakota lawmakers are beginning to make plans for what the 2021 North Dakota Legislative Session will look like given challenges associated with the COVID pandemic. While plans have not been finalized and will very likely be modified between now and January, the current direction is to have an in-person legislature with virtual-participation options for the public, lobbyists and legislators. The Legislative Procedure and Arrangements Committee is expected to make some preliminary decisions when it meets later today.
No Denver
The National Western Stock Show announced this week that its popular January event has been cancelled for January 2021 due to restrictions related to the COVID pandemic.