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Posted 12/09/2020

North Dakota Stockmen’s Association Member Update: Dec. 9, 2020
The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) is proud to be the voice of the state’s beef cattle producers. Here are a few things you should know:
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2.0 deadline coming Friday
Friday, Dec. 11, is the signup deadline for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2.0 (CFAP 2). The program provides some direct assistance to farmers and ranchers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. To learn more about applying, click here.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture debunked some of the common myths associated with the program:
Myth 1: I cannot apply for CFAP 2 because I didn’t apply for the first round of CFAP.
CFAP 2 is a separate program from the first iteration of CFAP, now referred to as CFAP 1. There is no requirement to participate in CFAP 1 in order to participate in CFAP 2.
Myth 2: I applied for CFAP 1; therefore, I cannot apply for CFAP 2, as they’re the same program with one funding pool.
Again, CFAP 2 is a separate program from CFAP 1 and has its own unique funding. The programs function separately and require separate applications and signups, but with very similar eligibility requirements.
Myth 3: I enrolled in CFAP 1, so I’m automatically enrolled in CFAP 2.
Producers who applied for CFAP 1 are not automatically signed up for CFAP 2 and must complete a new application in order to be eligible for assistance.
Myth 4: CFAP 2 is only for farmers or ranchers who’ve had COVID-19.
No. CFAP 2 is available to any individual or legal entity who shares in the risk of producing eligible CFAP 2 commodities. The program is intended to provide financial assistance to farmers and ranchers who have continued to face market disruptions and associated costs because of COVID-19. There are more than 300 commodities eligible for the program, ranging from livestock to row crops, specialty crops to aquaculture. Virtually all farmers and ranchers are potentially eligible for this program.
Myth 5: The commodities I raise or produce were not eligible for CFAP 1, so there’s no need for me to apply for CFAP 2.
CFAP 2 included additional commodities that were not eligible under CFAP 1. It’s important to check out the Eligible Commodities Finder to see if the commodity you grow or raise is eligible for CFAP 2.
Myth 6: My local Service Center is not open to the public because of the pandemic, so there’s no staff to help me with my application.
All USDA Service Centers are open for business, including those that restrict in-person visits or require appointments. You should first call your local Farm Service Agency office and schedule an appointment.
Myth 7: I need to work with a third-party entity to complete my CFAP 2 application.
USDA helps farmers and ranchers complete program applications and other paperwork free of charge. Service Center staff can guide farmers through the process of preparing and submitting required paperwork on their own, with no need to hire a paid preparer. Language translation service is available in all USDA Service Centers, so one-on-one assistance with a Service Center employee can be translated in real time for farmers requiring it.
Myth 8: CFAP 2 is a loan program that I will need to pay back.
CFAP 2 is direct financial assistance and not a loan. There is no cost to apply for CFAP 2 and funds will not need to be paid back.
Myth 9: This is a first-come, first-served program and those who applied earlier are more likely to receive funding.
This is not a first-come, first-served program. CFAP 2 provides up to $14 billion. The program was designed to distribute assistance broadly across the industry and across the country. Current data on payments is available online and updated every Monday. USDA’s Farm Service Agency will accept CFAP 2 applications through Dec. 11.
Myth 10: I’ve never done business with USDA before so I’m not eligible for CFAP 2.
Participation in other USDA programs is not a prerequisite for CFAP 2 eligibility. Our staff is standing by to help you get started and will work with you to fill out the program application. They will ask for this information:
- Name and address
- Personal information, including your tax identification number
- Farm operating structure
- Adjusted Gross Income compliance certification to ensure eligibility
- Direct deposit information to enable payment.
Myth 11: I don’t have a farm number, so I don’t qualify for CFAP 2.
You do not need to have a farm number to apply for CFAP 2, except if you will be filing an application for commodities identified as acreage-based crops. The acreage and yield information must be provided by Farm Service Agency through the annual acreage reporting process, either through an application initiated by USDA Service Center staff or by applying online.
NDSA mourns loss of Marlon Ohlhauser
The NDSA is heartbroken to report the passing of Marlon Ohlhauser of Linton. Ohlhauser was a 14-year brand inspector and the inspector in charge at the Wishek and Mobridge, S.D., auction markets.
In addition to his brand inspection work, Ohlhauser lived his dream, raising his family – sons Waylon, Brent and Austin – with the love of his life, wife Sheila, on their beloved ranch.
To read more about his life and service, click here.
Brand renewal deadline approaches
Dec. 31 is the deadline to renew North Dakota livestock brands. Current brandowners should have received notices in August and, if not renewed before, again in mid-November.
If you have not received yours or have questions about completing the form, call the NDSA at (701) 223-2522.
Beef producers asked to participate in transportation survey
The North Dakota Freight Advisory Committee under the North Dakota Department of Transportation is requesting your participation in the Transportation Connection surveys.
Transportation Connection is a statewide long-range plan for all aspects of transportation across North Dakota and looks out 25 years into the future. The North Dakota Department of Transportation and its partners are asking for the feedback of all citizens and industry constituencies on two surveys:
Answers to the two surveys linked below aim to help identify transportation needs critical to the agriculture industry to 2045 and beyond.
Survey 1: What will North Dakota be like in 2045?
Survey 2: Funding and performance
The deadline to submit the Transportation Connection surveys is Dec. 18. Results of this survey will be presented at the next membership meeting Jan. 7.
Vilsack likely nominee for ag secretary
Bloomberg Government is reporting that Tom Vilsack is Joe Biden’s likely nominee for agriculture secretary. If his name sounds familiar, that’s because Vilsack had previously served in that position under President Barack Obama. Vilsack grew up in Pittsburgh, Pa., and was trained as a lawyer. He later served as Iowa’s governor from 1999 to 2007.
Hours-of-Service emergency declaration extended
On Dec. 3, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced an extension to the Hours-of-Service Emergency Declaration until Feb. 28, 2021.
This declaration includes the following:
- Livestock and livestock feed. (The FMCSA has informed us that the relief is only available to transporters of finished feed. Transporters of feed ingredients are ineligible.)
- Medical supplies and equipment related to the testing, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19.
- Vaccines, constituent products and medical supplies and equipment, including ancillary supplies/kits for the administration of vaccines, related to the prevention of COVID-19.
- Supplies and equipment necessary for community safety, sanitation and prevention of community transmission of COVID-19, such as masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, soap and disinfectants.
- Food, paper products and other groceries for emergency restocking of distribution centers or stores.
Burgum presents executive budget
Gov. Doug Burgum presented his executive budget for 2021-2023 to the 67th Legislative Assembly during the legislature’s organizational session last week in Bismarck. The governor’s budget address and Powerpoint presentation can be viewed here.
Ag markets webinar series begins tomorrow
Those who want to know more about current and expected market conditions and their impact on North Dakota’s economy will be able to participate in monthly webinars presented by the NDSU Extension beginning Dec. 10. The one-hour webinars will begin at 1 p.m. CT.
Webinar topics will vary month to month, but each will include coverage of the agricultural economy, farm financial conditions and crops and livestock markets. Farm program updates also will be covered as they are announced. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of each webinar.
To learn more about the webinar series and to register for future webinars, click here.