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Posted 09/22/2020

For immediate release:
Sept. 22, 2020
For more information, contact:
Dan Rorvig, NDSA president: (701) 797-7338 •
Julie Ellingson, NDSA executive vice president: (701) 223-2522 •
Elizabeth Neshem, NDSA communications director: (701) 223-2522 •
North Dakota Stockmen’s Association and
North Dakota Beef Commission salute medical professionals
in appreciation event
The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) and North Dakota Beef Commission (NDBC) saluted the medical community at the first-ever North Dakota Beef Industry Healthcare Heroes Appreciation Day on Sept. 11. The beef producer organizations served more than 1,100 complimentary roast beef lunches to doctors, nurses, EMTs and others in the healthcare industry through a drive-through and on-site dining at the Bismarck Event Center parking lot. North Dakota State University’s Carnivore Catering prepared the meal.
“This was ranchers’ way to say thanks to those on the frontlines of the COVID pandemic and every day,” said NDSA President Dan Rorvig, a McVille, N.D., cow-calf producer. “We are grateful for their extra efforts during this time and regard them as our partners in keeping our community healthy. They provide critical medical care and we supply beef, a wholesome, nutritious food for families.”
The event also provided an opportunity to share beef’s positive nutrition story with key influencers, explained NDBC Chairman Weston Dvorak, who ranches near Manning, N.D. Event messaging emphasized that beef is the source of 10 essential nutrients, can help reduce the risk of heart disease and offers nearly 30 cuts that qualify for the government’s definition of “lean.” “Beef not only tastes great, but is good for you,” he said. “We want beef to be top of mind when healthcare professionals make recommendations for their patients.”
The groups took extra care to host the event in a safe environment and to meet Center for Disease Control guidelines.
For more information about beef’s role in a healthy diet, click here.
For beef recipe ideas, click here.