Wildfire Disaster Resources
As fires rage across the state, the North Dakota Stockmen's Association extends its thoughts and prayers to all those battling the flames. We pray that our Almighty God be with those who are besieged by fire. Lord, protect their families, their ranches, their homes and their livestock, as well as all there on the front lines.
Missing Livestock
The NDSA will be working with other agencies and officials to compile a list of resources for impacted ranchers. If you are missing livestock in the aftermath of these disasters, please contact the NDSA at (701) 223-2522 or by emailing cward@ndstockmen.org or jellingson@ndstockmen.org to file a missing livestock report.
Hay Hotline
Hay Hotline special program number: (701) 328-5110
For more information on the Hay Hotline, visit https://www.ndda.nd.gov/hay-hotline-rancher-relief
Managing Livestock Mortalities
Information regarding documenting losess, burial, composting and landfilling.
Farm Service Agency Disaster Program Links
FSA Livestock Wilfire Overview
Disaster Compilation
Farm Service Agency Bulletin
Stress and Mental Health Resources
The events of the last few days will no doubt test the strength and resilience of our communities for days, weeks and months to come. Know that you are not alone. Help is available. Talk to someone. Check in with your family, friends, neighbors.
Call 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Stress and Mental Health Resources
Farm Rescue
Farm Rescue Disaster Relief
Post Wildfire
NDSU offers guidance on post-wildfire erosion issues
NDSU offers recommendations on post-wildfire grazing, rangeland management
Windbreak Renovation Assistance
Windreak renovation assistance available to landowners affected by wildfires